Sarah is an award-winning filmmaker, producing and directing documentaries for BBC, C4 and other major broadcasters.
After an unnusual childhood with her endlessly restless mother, she found that making films allowed her to keep moving. Her films have explored the worlds of Philip Roth, Andy Warhol, Anais Nin, Saul Bellow, The Coen Brothers, Rod Stewart, the Beach Boys, and Leonardo da Vinci, to name but a few. They have delved into the mysteries of JD Salinger's reclusiveness, the cover up of the Windscale Nuclear reactor fire, and the truth about Charles Dickens's secret lover. Her filming has taken her on several trips around India and the US, across Mexico and up the Nile and given her the fun of working in small teams and all the camaraderie that brings.
She always wanted to write, but found the quiet room and the hard chair difficult to deal with. Having built a cabin on a quiet beach she has finally managed to sit still and to write her first book, a memoir of that childhood. Diamonds at the Lost and Found is published by Fourth Estate.
Agent: Patrick Walsh